With other five minutes you can be interest in:
                                                         VENEZIA 71 RED CARPET CON L’OREAL PARIS
                                                       PRIX DE DIANE LONGINES AND KATE WINSLET
                                                                              MAGNUM 25 YEARS
                                                                           TOD’S EVENT IN PARIS
                                                                LAVAZZA CONQUISTA WIMBLEDON

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                                                             Follow me on Instagram => @zagufashion


  1. I LOVE the video,Vale!It's one of my all time favorite tracks!I couldn't have enough of the Glee version of it!Thank you for reminding me!I gotta download it right now!And where did you shoot it?Love it!So,so nostalgic!Merry Christmas!

  2. giornata frenetica!!!!Ma trovo con tutto il cuore il tempo per un felice augurio, bacioni.

  3. Vale tanti auguri, sono partita e neanche siamo riuscite a vederci, al tuo ritorno fatti sentire che ci vediamo! bacioni e passa felice queste feste!

  4. merry christmas!!Sei sempre dolcissima, a differenza delle Vip che si sentono certe Fashion blogger, ma chi si credono di essere!?

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